Activating Connected Potential
We are excited to announce Mosaic Biosciences™. The company known for bringing crop nutrition expertise to agriculture is now bringing a portfolio of biological technologies to market. Rooted in science and thorough research, our line of biologicals is intended to support crops and their natural biology to push potential further than it has been before. Where soil, plants and environment interact, you’ll find Mosaic Biosciences activating the connected potential that lives there.
The New Frontier in Crop Nutrition
The powerful living connection between plants and soil can deliver more than what was previously thought possible. At Mosaic, we are focused on that connection right under our feet, where plants, soil and microbiome intersect — with a line of science-based biological technologies. Our biologicals are formulated to enhance plant growth, while supporting the critical microbiome responsible for plant health and resilience.
Getting the most from your fertilizer
Our line of Nutrient Use Enhancement products focuses on the complementary relationship between microbes and nutrients in the soil. These products help break down soil-bound nutrients to make them more accessible and available to plants.
Managing plant stress, naturally
When environmental stressors threaten plant performance, our line of biostimulants gets to work. Helping to proactively mitigate physiological damage, these products support cell structure to manage abiotic stress like drought, heat or salinity.
When we embrace the boundless capability that is right beneath our feet, we are activating the connected potential between our plants and our soils.
Innovating for a better tomorrow. Mosaic Biosciences.
At Mosaic, we know crop nutrition. We also know that science is changing to better recognize the role beneficial microbes play in crop nutrition. With the introduction of Mosaic Biosciences, we now offer a line of biological products that are firmly based in science, and with the agronomic expertise that you have come to expect with the Mosaic name.
Talk to a retailer near you and learn about how Mosaic Biosciences can support your yield and soil health goals.