- High-yield management practices including stacked-trait hybrid technology, increased seeding rates, strobilurin fungicide applications and split applications of nitrogen have highlighted the need for balanced crop nutrition.
- Micronutrients such as boron (B) are crucial for cell growth and reproductive development stages to increase yield.
- Other research has shown that phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) fertilizers containing micronutrients in a single granule provide increased nutrient distribution and crop nutrient uptake compared to conventional fertilizer blends.
- MicroEssentials® SZ® contains N, P, S and Zn fused into one nutritionally balanced granule, creating a single source for balanced crop nutrition.
- Aspire® is the first-of-its-kind micronutrient-enhanced potash fertilizer. Manufactured using Nutriform® technology, Aspire® premium potash combines K and B in each granule to help achieve balanced crop nutrition.
Corn: Corn (Zea mays)
Year: 2011 -2014
Locations: 31 trials across the U.S. and Canada United States – IA, IL, IN, MI, MN, NE, OH, SD, TX, WI Canada – ON
Data Source: Field studies conducted by third-party, independent researchers.
Experimental Design: Small-plot RCBD with 4 replications.
Cropping Conditions:
Hybrid: Stacked-trait technology.
Planting Rate: 40K – 45K seeds/ac
Fungicide: Applied at pollination
Application Timing: Preplant.
Application Method: Broadcast incorporate.
- Aspire® outyielded MOP by 9.5 bu/ac in 2011, 10.0 bu/ac in 2012, 9.4 bu/ac in 2013 and 4.5 bu/ac in 2014.
- On average, corn yields increased by 8.8 bu/ac (4.3%) when Aspire® was compared to MOP.
- Across 31 sites and 4 years, Aspire® demonstrated a 71% win rate over MOP.
- Growing conditions varied greatly across the 4 years of study, but Aspire® showed a yield advantage in all years.
- The results demonstrate the benefits of boron and uniform nutrient distribution in a high-yield management system.