- MOP is commonly used as a potassium (K) source in alfalfa production.
- In addition to K, alfalfa removes approximately 1.5 oz of B per ton of dry matter.
- Granular B products can be blended with K, but low application rates of these blends often lead to undesirable distribution.
- Aspire® is the first-of-its-kind micronutrientenhanced potash fertilizer. Formed using the innovative Nutriform® technology, Aspire® premium potash combines K and B in each granule to help achieve uniform nutrient distribution.
Locations and Crop Management:
Crop: Alfalfa (Medicago sativa)
Year: 2013–2015
Locations: 13 trials across the United States – CA, MN, NY, OH, SD, WI
Data Source: Field studies conducted by third-party, independent researchers.
Experimental Design: Small-plot RCBD with 4 replications.
Cropping Conditions: Trials conformed to local cropping practices and were conducted on an established stand.
K and B Sources: MOP, MOP + B blend, Aspire® + MOP (Each applied at 90 lbs K2O/ac.)
K Rate: 180 lbs K₂O/ac
B Rate: 0.75 lb B/ac as Aspire® vs. 1 lb and 2 lbs B/ac as granular borax
P Rate: As required by soil test
Application Timing: Directly following first cutting.
Application Method: Broadcast.
- Across 13 trials, Aspire® + MOP outyielded MOP alone by 0.5 ton/ac.
- Aspire® + MOP (0.75 lb B/ac) yielded higher than the MOP + B blends applied at 1 lb and 2 lbs B/ac.
- By combining K and B in one granule, Aspire® reduces the risk of uneven application that is common with traditional blends and improves nutrient use efficiency for maximum yields.