Characteristic Odors
Sulfur is present in several organic compounds that give the characteristic odors to garlic, mustard and onion.
Amino Acids & Proteins
Sulfur appears in every living cell and is required for synthesis of certain amino acids (cysteine and methionine) and proteins.
Sulfur is also important in photosynthesis and for winter crop hardiness.

Chlorophyll Formation
Although S isn't a constituent of chlorophyll, it's still vital in chlorophyll formation.
Seed Production
Sulfur aids in seed production.
Nitrogen Fixation
Leguminous plants need S for efficient nitrogen fixation.
Sulfur deficiency symptoms
Symptoms of deficiency can vary across crop species, but similarities exist for how nutrient insufficiency impacts plant tissue color and appearance. Nutrient deficiencies are commonly associated with the physical location on the plant (i.e., whether the symptoms are primarily observed on older versus newly formed plant tissue), but these symptoms can spread as the severity of the deficiency progresses.
Looking to dig deeper into sulfur?
To learn more about how Sulfur is supplied and rendered usable for plant growth in the form of sulfate—and why this important nutrient is often found lacking in the soil—check out the Sulfur section in our complete nutrient management guide.