Magnesium is mobile within the plant and moves easily from older to younger tissues.
Plants require Mg to capture the sun's energy for growth and production through photosynthesis.
Magnesium Deficiencies
When Mg deficiencies occur, the lower (older) leaves are affected first.

Magnesium Source
The most common source of Mg is dolomitic limestone, which provides both calcium and Mg, while neutralizing soil acidity.
Phosphorus Carrier
Magnesium acts as a phosphorus carrier in plants, and is required for better root formation and thus for better nutrient and water efficiency in plants.
Magnesium deficiency symptoms
Symptoms of deficiency can vary across crop species, but similarities exist for how nutrient insufficiency impacts plant tissue color and appearance. Nutrient deficiencies are commonly associated with the physical location on the plant (i.e., whether the symptoms are primarily observed on older versus newly formed plant tissue), but these symptoms can spread as the severity of the deficiency progresses.
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