Resource Library
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57 Results
Identifying Boron Deficiency in All Crops
One of the micronutrients essential for crop health also happens to be o...
Winter Wheat Fertilization
The cornerstone of profitable crop production is a sound soil fertility ...
Deficiency ID: Minimizing the Impact of Nutrient Deficiencies
Midseason scouting is a best management practice engaged in by every far...
Understanding Zinc Deficiency
Zinc (Zn) has been put to work on farms for decades. Fencing wire and na...
5 Soil Sampling Tips
Soil test results are only as good as the quality of the soil samples. W...
Five Questions to Ask About Your Soil Testing Program
Regular soil testing is one of the best tools for determining which nutr...
Soil Testing: Behind the Scenes
Spoiler alert: There is no magic black box where a clod of soil or a pla...
Soil Test Levels and Crop Response to Fertilizers
Soil scientists and consultants often get confronted with these question...
Best Management Practices: Soil Testing
Soil testing is one of the most important management practices for crop ...
Drought and Fertilization
Drought is a simple and unfortunate fact of life that farmers must endur...
Variability in Soil Test Potassium
When we make a fertilizer recommendation for a farmer, what is it based ...
The Soil Fertility Checklist
When it comes to crop nutrition and your soil fertility plan, you need t...
Soil Testing—Calibration and Interpretation
Perhaps the greatest challenge in soil testing is calibration of the tes...
Plant Health: Heed Nutrient Levels at Critical Growth Stages
Nutrient testing equals quality control, according to Dr. Dave Mengel, p...
Managing Phosphorus Soil Test Values
Soil testing is the farmer’s best tool for determining and managing phos...
Third-Party Soil Sampling: What You Need to Know
Soil sampling and testing is one of the best tools we have to assess fie...
Case Study: Indiana’s Fairholme Farms
Both Kim Drackett and Randy Bales describe 1,850-acre Fairholme Farms as...
Trusting Soil Testing – Keys to Obtaining a Reliable Report
Obtaining valuable information from a soil test begins with collecting a...
Tissue Testing Can Save Your Crop
Tissue testing and plant analysis date back to the 19th century. Since t...
IPNI Corn Belt Fertility Study: 2010
The status of soil fertility levels is an indicator of the sustainabilit...
Scouting Soybeans for Deficiencies and More
With the potential for higher soybean yields with each passing year, the...
Expanding the Nutrient Management Toolbox: Using Tissue Sampling
Tissue sampling is a common tool that can provide meaningful data, but i...
My Soil Tests Are Complete. Now What?
The first step in effectively using soil test results to your advantage ...
Soybean Aphids Flourish Where Potassium Is Deficient
Have you ever seen a soybean field where aphids infested some areas more...
‘C.H.E.C.K.’ It Out: A Helpful Checklist for Uniform Nutrient Application
If your nutrient application isn’t uniform, then you really don’t know h...
Yield Success in 2015 Is Dependent on Nutrient Levels
As growers in the Midwest pulled planters across their acreage, many wer...
Soybean Nutrient Recommendations
Soil test calibration research conducted by Dr. Antonio Mallarino with t...
Helping Local Farmers Find Higher Yields
He knows the land, and the growers. Of course, being so close to the peo...
The Right Time for Soil and Tissue Testing
The right time to take soil samples is in rhythm with the crop rotation....
Testing The Testers
Unfenced pitched questions to three experts, to dig deeper into testing ...