Balanced crop nutrition
By balancing a careful ratio of vital nutrients into each individual granule of fertilizer, Mosaic’s proprietary Fusion® Technology enables MicroEssentials® to combine a balanced ratio of vital nutrients into one uniquely formulated, nutritionally balanced granule,. This allows for uniform nutrient distribution, season-long sulfur availability and improved nutrient uptake—so that every plant gets what it needs to thrive.
Better uptake at V3, and even better uptake at V6
For many years, trial data has shown that MicroEssentials significantly outperforms alternative commodity fertilizer blends in terms of phosphorus (P) uptake at the V3 growth stage.

Now, newer trial results reveal that the difference in P uptake between MicroEssentials and commodity fertilizer blends is even greater at the V6 stage, demonstrating the impact Fusion Technology has on early-season growth and nutrient uptake. And because corn’s maximum yield potential is determined as early as V6, this shows that increased uptake early in the season really matters for a grower’s bottom line.
Widening the Gap against MAP/DAP
Initially, early third-party trial data demonstrated that MicroEssentials® S10® and SZ® outperformed DAP blends by 14% and 28%, respectively, at the V3 growth stage.
More recent studies, published in spring 2023, have shed important light on this continuum of growth. MicroEssentials SZ saw a +28% increase in P uptake versus DAP blends at V3, at V6 it was measured to produce a +39% increase, widening the gap between MicroEssentials and commodity fertilizer blends.
It’s this P uptake that leads to increases in yields, and explains why trial data has continually produced differences in yield of 3.2-8.8 bu/ac in SZ over DAP and of 4.9-7.2 bu/ac in SZ over MAP.

Fusion Technology makes the difference
The chemical conversions unique to MicroEssentials, produced as the granule’s elemental sulfur is converted into an available form of sulfate, release a small amount of acidity. That microzone of acidity helps to keep phosphorus in a more available form and longer into the growing season. This is what gives the plants the ability to increase nutrient uptake. And this kind of chemistry would not be produced by a MAP or DAP blend, even one that includes elemental sulfur.