Data straight from the field
At Mosaic, we believe in providing science-backed, proven products that provide real results so growers can achieve their yield and sustainability goals. Years of research and numerous trials have shown that our biologicals can do just that.
That’s why we’re giving you unprecedented access to small plot research and field trial data detailing how crops are responding to Mosaic Biosciences™ biologicals based on geography, application method and soil texture.
The data includes all relevant trials in your area, detailing where biologicals are working and where they aren’t. These insights will help you make informed, data-backed decisions on whether Mosaic Biosciences will work for you.
A promise of proven performance
It’s a fact: Biologicals work. But not all biologicals deliver equal results everywhere. So we’re giving you an insider view into local trial data. The true performance data you need to decide if Mosaic Biosciences biologicals will work in your fields.
Concepting and validation. Rigorous lab and greenhouse testing with leading researchers, universities and agronomic experts around the globe. Extensive small and large plot trials across a range of crops, geographies, climate and soil conditions. It’s the Mosaic way. And, it’s how Mosaic Biosciences will proceed for every product we introduce.
“Biologicals have a reputation of ‘snake oil’ or ‘magic juice.’ I knew the technology had advanced over decades so I wanted to reevaluate them to see if they would work on our farm."
- Granvil Travis, Travis Brothers Farm, Belknap, IL
BioPath® and PowerCoat™ Have Shown:
On average, both achieve an 80% to 90% win rate in research trials and secure strong revenue margins.
Have been proven to complement existing fertilizer programs by improving nutrient use efficiency.
Provide +9.6 lbs/ac of additional nutrients compared to an application without the biological.
Improved nutrient use efficiency and greater early-season corn plant growth and vigor stimulated by BioPath and PowerCoat can increase the return on fertilizer investments and optimize yield potential, resulting in a year-over-year yield advantage of 3.7 bu/ac.